

正式名称那米比亚共和国(Republic of Namibia)

旧称西南非(South-West Africa, 1915~1968)




formerly (1915-68)South-West AfricaNation, southwestern coast of Africa. Area: 318,580 sq mi (825,118 sq km). Population (1997 est.): 1,727,000. Capital: Windhoek. More than half the people are Ovambo. Others include Nama, Kavango, Herero, and San. Languages: English, (official), Afrikaans, Bantu, German. Religions: Christianity, animism. Currency: Namibian dollar. Namibia may be divided into three broad regions: the Namib Desert, the Central Plateau, and the Kalahari Desert. The economy is based largely on agriculture and on the production and export of diamonds. It is a republic with two legislative houses; its head of state and government is the president. Long inhabited by indigenous peoples, it was explored by the Portuguese in the late 15th century. In 1885 it was annexed by Germany as German Southwest Africa. It was captured in World War I by South Africa, which received it as a mandate from the League of Nations in 1918 and refused to give it up after World War II. A U.N. resolution in 1966 ending the mandate was challenged by South Africa in the 1970s and '80s. Through long negotiations involving many factions and interests, it achieved independence in 1990.